From Ellie’s Cruise Adventure

(Coming soon on Amazon, watch this space!)

Following our routine, Ellie went to the late show in the theatre on deck 8 at 9 pm after dinner, while I returned to our cabin and lay down. Like any good husband, I had gone with her to the shows the first two days but then told her to go on her own. The performances didn’t interest me much, and the theatre at the front of the ship always made me queasy.

Watching YouTube on my mobile, I had drifted off to sleep and jumped up, startled, as the cabin door opened and closed.

Sitting on the bed, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “Hi, honey,” I greeted as Ellie entered.

“Hi,” she replied.

“Did the show finish?”


She leaned against the wall for support as the ship rocked. It was moving faster now, like it always did late at night.

I glanced at my watch. “Oh, it’s half past eleven.” Surprised, I added, “Was the show longer tonight? It usually finishes by ten.”

Ellie stayed silent, her gaze fixed on me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sensing something.

“I—I have a confession to make,” she said, quickly walking up to the bed, trying to keep her balance in the swaying cabin. She sat on the edge, her eyes still locked on mine.

“Go ahead,” I prompted.

“I went to the bar after the show. For a cocktail.”


“There…” She hesitated, biting her lip. “There was this guy, Bob, who came to my table, and he talked to me.”

“He chatted you up?” I asked.

“Yeah, kinda.”

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for more.

Ellie sighed. “He said he’d seen us at the jewellery shop when I was looking at that expensive ring with the yellow diamond, remember? He asked if I thought it would be a good present for his wife, who couldn’t join him on the trip. Her mum fell ill, so he was cruising alone. That’s how we started talking. I told him about our kids, that my mum is looking after them. I told him I’m an accountant. He bought me a second cocktail.” She paused, biting her lip again. “He’s from London. He said he knew our area well.”

I chuckled. “So, this is what you wanted to confess? A guy from London chatted you up at the bar and bought you a drink?”

“Well… when he asked what you did for a living, I mentioned you were writing, and he said, ‘Erotica.’”

My eyebrows shot up. “He said that?”

“Yes. I didn’t deny it and confirmed. Then he teased, ‘Hotwife erotica, right?’”

“Wow! How did he know?”

Ellie bit her lip. “I asked the same. He said he guessed. Then he asked if we practised the lifestyle.”

“He asked you that?”

She nodded. “Yes. I told him we didn’t. But before I could stop myself, I mentioned you write about it, though we’ve never tried it. Maybe he took that as interest, because he offered to take us to his swingers’ club in London next Tuesday. He said it would help your writing and that we didn’t have to participate—just have drinks and observe. He asked for my number to send the address… and instead of declining, I gave it to him. Then I got up and left the bar. I’ve been walking around, feeling so stupid.”

– – – – – –

As I watched her walk, I noticed something different. It looked like she was squeezing her legs together. Is she still loosened? Is she still feeling it between her legs?

A moment later, I dismissed the thought: Nah, it’s just my imagination! I’ve got to stop obsessing over it.

Then my cock throbbed, and I thought: Why should I stop? It turns me on thinking her pussy is still loosened. I’ll just think about it and enjoy it!

Look out for Ellie’s Cruise Adventure, coming soon on Amazon!

And don’t forget to check out my other books on Amazon!



From Amys Unexpected Lisbon Adventure

(Coming soon on Amazon, watch this space!)

The waiter appeared with a tray of six glasses, each around 50 millilitres, filled with Ginja liqueur. He placed the tray in the middle of the table and, after saying, “Enjoy,” walked away.

Mark took the lead by picking up one of the glasses. He raised it to his mouth but didn’t sip, waiting for us to follow suit.

We had little choice but to take a glass each and down the liqueur in one go upon his prompt, “Bottoms up!”

Amy grimaced after gulping her liqueur. “Urgh. It’s strong.” She set her empty glass on the table and leaned back into Jack’s embrace. Immediately, Jack wrapped his arm around her waist.

“It’s not that strong,” I remarked, placing my empty glass on the table. “I actually found it tasty.”

“Did you? When taking it as a shot?” Raul asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I did.” I wasn’t lying. Despite downing it in one go, I had tasted the liqueur and liked its taste, which was similar to vermouth.

Amy fanned herself with her hand. “It’s tasty but still burns your gullet.”

“It does, but at the same time, it kinda gives you a fleeting cool sensation,” Jack said, and his hand, which had been resting on Amy’s hip, slid onto her side, exposed by her crop top. “It feels cooling, don’t you agree, Amy?”

Everyone’s gaze followed Jack’s hand as it slid under Amy’s crop top, cupping her breast.

Amy trembled but didn’t push his hand away. Leaving it to rest on her breast, she said, “It feels cooling.”

“The cooling sensation you feel is because the shot was chilled,” Raul interjected, his eyes glued to Amy’s chest, “but overall, it will warm you up. The alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow to the skin, making you feel warmer after the initial illusion of coolness.”

“You’re probably right,” Jack said as he gently squeezed Amy’s breast under her crop top. He asked me something, but I didn’t catch it. I only heard my name at the end of his question, too distracted by my throbbing cock.

I mumbled, “Say it again.”

“Do you find the liqueur cooling?” he repeated his question. Amy’s chest was moving fast, her breathing heavy as his hand kneaded her breast.

“No, actually, now I feel it warming me,” I managed to say, then swallowed in nervous excitement, shifting my gaze from Amy’s chest to her face. Our eyes met.

Biting her lip, she raised her eyebrows as if to ask me: Are you seeing what he’s doing to me?

I smiled. This was my silent answer: Yes, I’m seeing what he’s doing to you, and I like it.

She held her gaze on me for a moment before smiling back. Despite my unspoken assurance, she took Jack’s hand and slowly pulled it from under her crop top, saying, “It warms me up now. No more shots for me.”


An awkward silence fell at the table. What were Amy and I going to do from this point on? Were we not supposed to draw a line long before? Would it be too obvious if we stood up and left now? We couldn’t just sit and pretend nothing had happened. And if we stayed, how much further was this going to escalate?

Look out for Amy’s Unexpected Lisbon Adventure coming soon on Amazon!

And don’t forget to check out my other books on Amazon!



From Laurie’s Unusual Holiday



I was fired for watching porn at work. Naturally, I didn’t tell my wife why I lost my job. I looked at her with teary eyes and, choking back tears, said, “Laurie, I couldn’t take it anymore. I know quitting was stupid, but I had to stand up to them or lose my professional integrity.”

Laurie embraced me, and I even cried on her shoulder. I played it well. No questions, no accusations. However, despite avoiding Laurie’s recriminations, it was still painful for both of us because she was also between jobs, and we had two young kids to look after.

Two months after losing my job, the stress of making ends meet started to take a toll on us. We didn’t talk about it nor show it to the kids, but when we met Laurie’s best friend, Alex, over a coffee, Laurie and I opened up about our struggles, and Laurie broke down in tears. Alex comforted us, assuring us that things would get better and that she would find a way to cheer us up and help us turn the corner.

We didn’t give much thought to Alex’s assurances, so when she visited us the next day and presented us with a prepaid weekend beach holiday in Croatia, including the flights, offering to look after the kids while we were away, we were totally taken off guard. Our first reaction was to decline the offer, but Alex told us the holiday was paid for by her publisher, Alistair, who owned the beach resort where we were going. We had never met Alistair, but we knew from Alex that, apart from owning a publishing house, he was a very wealthy entrepreneur who engaged in philanthropy, helping artists and authors like Alex progress, sometimes even supporting them financially. So, learning that Alistair and not Alex paid for our holiday, we couldn’t resist the temptation and accepted the generous offer. Immensely grateful to our benefactors, we packed our luggage and rushed for the airport to catch the evening flight to Croatia, leaving Alex at the house with the kids.

The next day, having already enjoyed a whole morning on our small private beach nestled between the rocks and our bungalow, Laurie and I were sitting at the coffee table on the veranda, watching the gentle sea waves break on the sand as we sipped our early afternoon coffee. Laurie, lightly dressed in a T-shirt and short denim shorts, looked stunning.

Both of us were feeling very horny. We hadn’t had the chance to have sex the night before since we had arrived at the resort quite late, and in the morning, we had been too eager to dip into the crystal-clear waters of the sea.

I had just suggested having sex on the beach, enjoying the privacy of our secluded spot, and Laurie was giggling when a Jet Ski caught our eye. It wasn’t the Jet Ski that attracted our attention but the fact that it was heading directly towards our tiny piece of beach.

The man driving the Jet Ski almost beached it on the sand before killing the engine and deftly jumping off. That was when both Laurie’s and my jaws dropped. The guy was completely naked!

Not only was he naked, but he had no intention of covering himself up. Instead, he grabbed a small rucksack from the storage compartment of the Jet Ski and approached us with quick steps, his large cock swinging between his legs. Without asking for permission, the intruder briskly ran up the three steps to our veranda, his cock and balls bouncing even more, and stood in front of us, dropping the rucksack onto the floor.


With her hands covering her mouth and her eyes fixed on the man’s impressive manhood, Laurie whispered, “Oh, my God!”

If you enjoyed this excerpt, you can read the full story, Laurie’s Unusual Holiday, on Amazon here or explore more of my work on my Amazon Author Page.




From Wife’s Wilderness Game: A Hotwife Adventure


Gabi inspected the contents, then faced him with a smile. “Thank you, Warren!”

He grimaced. “So, I get nothing?” 

She tilted her head, giving him a flirtatious glance. “’Thank you’ isn’t nothing.” 

Warren’s frown turned into a smile. “You’re a skilled cockteaser!” 

Gabi giggled. “Perhaps.” Turning away, she set down the bag and bent over, her skirt rising to reveal her naked backside. 

Warren watched, entranced.

Pretending to sort through the bag, Gabi announced, “Two sandwiches, two apples. Nice. What else?” She leaned further, parting her legs.

Warren was now staring straight at her pussy from behind.

“Two salami snacks, two cans of coke,” she continued.

Unable to resist, he reached out his hand to cup her pussy, but she quickly stood, alert to his move. Turning to face him, she said calmly but firmly, “Teddy and I need a ride to the trail across the river.”

Warren laughed. “Right, and I’ll get another ‘visual thank you’ for the favour.” 

“No, this time. . . .” Gabi paused with a sly smile. “This time, we’ll switch roles. I’ll do you a favour, and you’ll thank me.”

“And how’s that gonna work?”

“You’ll take us across the stream to thank me for this!” Gabi turned around, bent over, perking her butt up, and spread her legs wide apart. She pretended to look into the bag again.

Without waiting for a further invitation, Warren cupped her pussy from behind; she trembled but didn’t move away.

“God, it’s warm,” slipped through his lips.

“It always is,” she quipped.

Warren spread her pussy lips apart and tried to shove a finger into her vagina, but Gabi grabbed his hand, pushed it off her pussy and stood up, turning around. She met his gaze with a playful smile.

“You’re so wet!” he murmured.

She nodded. “Yes, I am.”

“And warm.”

“I’m always warm and wet down there, Warren. Now, my tip!”

“Your tip?”

“Yes. Favours for favours, remember?”

Laughing, Warren conceded, “You’re growing on me.”

“I know,” Gabi said, her tone knowing.  

He rubbed his erect cock through his trousers, holding his gaze on her. 

“So?” She gestured towards the stream.

“OK, you win, you charming thing!” he relented, laughing, and gestured towards the jeep. “Jump in!”

If you enjoyed this excerpt, you can read the full story, Wife’s Wilderness Game: A Hotwife Adventure, on Amazon here or explore more of my work on my Amazon Author Page.